We all know that education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. We, at Mumbai Smiles try to inculcate this thought in communities where we conduct our projects. We [...]
This is a story of Sunita (Name changed) a victim of Human Trafficking and a mother of our LSE (Life Skills Empowerment) student Ketan (Name changed). This is about how the alertness of our team [...]
After resting for almost 8 months our beloved Smiling Bus is again running on the roads with a new agenda of spreading awareness during COVID-19 pandemic. It has new feathers and is now more [...]
Smiling Bus is one of those projects in which our team has taken lots of efforts to reach out to those children who are deprived of their right to education, who cannot pursue their dream of [...]
Smiling Bus is our project which we launched a year ago to reach out to those children who do not have easy access to education. With immense efforts put in by our team, we decided to take this [...]
In the beginning of this year no one knew that life would undergo such a drastic change and lead to a new way of life. In the month of March a wave of pandemic hit the nation and spread all over [...]
“Smiling Bus” is a project which has been initiated with the thought of providing access to education to those children who for various socio-economic reasons have been unable to attend any form [...]