The story that we all want to share

Lalita’s story is one of those that moves us and makes us believe even more in the work we do at Mumbai Smiles. Her life was never easy. She is 35 years old and has lived through [...]

Dinish Limbu: A fight for a change

Fight to change Pariwartan means change in Hindi and it is the name of the project that we at Mumbai Smiles are promoting in the Thamel area, in the Nepalese city of Kathmandu. This is a social [...]

How Indira found her lifesaver

This is the testimony of Indira Hi, I’m Indira. Well, this is not my real name, I have changed it to preserve my identity, because I want to be completely honest with my story. I am from [...]

Meena has suffered child marriage

At the end of March we rescued a 19-year-old girl who lived on the street. The fictitious name with which we refer to her to protect her identity is Meena. The girl left home fleeing from the [...]