
The story that we all want to share

 In Human trafficking, Mujer, Trata de personas, Women

Lalita’s story is one of those that moves us and makes us believe even more in the work we do at Mumbai Smiles.

Her life was never easy. She is 35 years old and has lived through experiences so hard and inhuman that it is difficult to imagine them. Three years ago she entered the Udaan house and her future was transformed. Finally, on June 30, she left the shelter home to finally live the life she deserves.

A past of betrayals and threats

Lalita was born and raised in the state of Karnataka. At 15 years old she ran away from home with a man, Arin. Shortly after they were together, the man forced her into prostitution in exchange for payment. Lalita had no alternative and she accepted. When she became pregnant a few years later, the two moved to Mumbai where Lalita continued to be exploited by her husband. However, when her daughter Pari was only one year old, she found out that her husband was already married and had two children with another woman. This woman returned to look for Arin and the two left, taking her daughter with them to  Madhya Pradesh.

Due to this abrupt change in her life and the need for money, she began working as a domestic worker and at the same time continued working as a sexually exploited woman. However, Arin kept threatening her for money, otherwise she would not allow him to see or talk to her daughter. For more than 5 years, Lalita transferred 10,000 rupees every month to Arin. But the situation got worse and she stopped sending him money. It was then that Arin forbade her from speaking to her own daughter and Lalita knew that she had to find a solution and she came to Mumbai Smiles.

The reunion with his daughter

Lalita learned about our organization thanks to a friend. When we learned about her case, we immediately proposed her to move to the Udaan house, so that she could heal her wounds and get trained for a better future.

She entered the house on April 11, 2021. At that time she only had one goal: to get her daughter back. With this mission, the Mumbai Smiles rescue team took legal action so that Lalita could recover her daughter and could live with her in the Udaan house. Pari had also been a victim of child abuse, therefore the entire rescue team worked to get the full custody of Lalita’s daughter. Once they were both safe, we got Pari registered to a school in the area.

Her life in the Udaan house

Although it was a bit difficult at first, both Lalita and Pari got involved very well into the dynamics of the house. Lalita has participated in all the activities that have been proposed to her: from making roses, sewing training, etc. In addition to this, during her stay she obtained her driving license.

She enrolled in a beauty and makeup course and today she is already a professional beautician, prepared to make her career in a beauty salon.

Returning home after 20 years

Once healed and prepared for a better future, she asked us for one last favor: she wanted to find her family, whom she had not seen in 20 years. The rescue team headed to Bengaluru and after months of searching managed to find Lalita’s mother.

Now she is returning home to her family after 20 years. It hasn’t been an easy journey, but Lalita is finally happy: Pari is enrolled in a new school and Lalita has found a job in a beauty salon.

No mentiremos si os decimos que todo el equipo nos hemos emocionado mucho con su marcha. Hemos visto a Lalita empoderarse y a Pari hacerse mayor. Para nosotros no hay mejor recompensa que ver como vuelven a casa; como dejan Udaan con sus maletas llenas de sueños por cumplir y una vida repleta de nuevas oportunidades. 


We won’t lie if we tell you that the entire team has been very excited about her departure. We have seen Lalita become empowered and Pari grow. For us, there is no better reward than seeing how they return home; as they leave Udaan with their suitcases full of dreams to fulfill and a life full of new opportunities.


All the best Lalita y Pari

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