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Be part of the last generation to witness human trafficking.

Human trafficking is the last remaining slavery
in the world, and it is increasing every year.

If we have succeeded in ending racial segregation,
slavery or the prohibition of women’s suffrage,
can we not end human trafficking?

Collaborate to end human trafficking

Human trafficking is the last remaining slavery
in the world, and it is increasing every year.

If we have succeeded in ending racial segregation,
slavery or the prohibition of women’s suffrage,
can we not end human trafficking?

Collaborate to end human trafficking

Mumbai Smiles

For 20 years, Mumbai Smiles has been peacefully fighting against human trafficking and the poverty, inequality and violation of rights that it generates.

We work in South Asia and also in Spain to prevent, rescue and rehabilitate victims of trafficking in its different forms: labour exploitation, sexual exploitation, forced marriages and begging.

Our projects depend on your support. Collaborate and break with trafficking.


In Asian countries, from childhood, in rural and urban areas, we are committed to ensuring that children and adolescents do not fall into organised networks that recruit the most vulnerable. From raising awareness and the responsibility of all social agents, in Spain.

We carry out rescue operations for survivors of trafficking. Girls between the ages of 14 and 30, sometimes younger, and in a high percentage, with young children. We also collaborate in rescue operations for victims of trafficking in Spain.

We provide support, accompaniment and rehabilitation to survivors, for their social integration or voluntary return. It involves overcoming trauma, wounds, years of slavery in many cases. And providing skills and tools so that they can return to society with autonomy.