Slavery was abolished in Spain 150 years ago, almost 100 years since universal suffrage and more than 30 years since the end of apartheid. However, a type of slavery that affects millions of [...]
At a time when, unfortunately, there is still a lot of talk about human smuggling and human trafficking, the two terms are still very often confused, but what is the difference between human [...]
Después de la historia de éxito de Lalita, una nueva chica se ha unido a la familia Udaan. Ella es Bhakti y quiere salir de la explotación sexual para poder cuidar a su hijo y tener una vida digna.
Hoy os contamos una historia un poco diferente, porque la realidad de la trata ocurre en todo el mundo y en cualquier contexto, pero gracias al apoyo de Sonrisas de Bombay, la historia de Rita se [...]
Cada 30 de julio queremos recordar que hoy y cada de día del año hace falta luchar contra esta lacra que afecta a más de 50 millones de personas en el mundo.
Lalita’s story is one of those that moves us and makes us believe even more in the work we do at Mumbai Smiles. Her life was never easy. She is 35 years old and has lived through [...]
The fight against human trafficking does not understand borders, in fact, one of the main problems that many victims of trafficking encounter is that they are in another country, with another [...]
Last month, our rescue team in Mumbai saved 9 girls from the trafficking network. Since 2020, at Mumbai Smiles we have a team that is responsible for investigating possible cases of exploitation [...]
A few years ago, at Mumbai Smiles, we understood that human trafficking knows no borders. After a long time working in Mumbai, collaborating in raids with the local police, we realized that many [...]