
We have travelled almost 3,000 km with our sports and charity challenge to ensure that food and water reach the most disadvantaged families in Bombay. These families, who already live in a [...]

Akhil Shinde and his struggle as a kid

After four months into the Covid-19 lockdown across the country when people were hoping to get back to some “new normal”, hoping to get some work to support their families, there was still a [...]

The strength of a child’s love

Joy (fiction name) stays with his mother who is a victim of human trafficking. His mother is from Bihar, Uttar Pradesh. She got married very early in her childhood and Joy was born when she was [...]

Independence Day at Mumbai Smiles

15th August 1947, the Independence Day of India has a special place in every Indian’s heart. Every year on this day we pay tribute to all those fearless, fierce and bold freedom fighters and the [...]

The journey of your lifetime

We are back with our new challenge, with a new theme of the photo contest for our lovely visitors who visit India, and who wish to capture its incredible cultural facts into their lenses. We have [...]

International Friendship Day

Friends are like the rays of sunshine offering the warmth of trust and understanding and making you feel comfortable in their presence allowing you to be “yourself”. This friendship gets [...]