More than two years ago, at Mumbai Smiles we started working in Europe with the same objective as our projects in South Asia: to fight against human trafficking.
Slavery was abolished in Spain 150 years ago, almost 100 years since universal suffrage and more than 30 years since the end of apartheid. However, a type of slavery that affects millions of [...]
Cada 30 de julio queremos recordar que hoy y cada de día del año hace falta luchar contra esta lacra que afecta a más de 50 millones de personas en el mundo.
Your rose, her smile! As we kick start a new financial year our Spanish friends eagerly await the lovely festival of Sant Jordi (St. George’s Day). This Sant Jordi festival is celebrated in [...]
Of the many important Indian festivals celebrated across the country, Dussehra is one of the most important Hindu festivals being celebrated in different parts of India with great devotion and [...]
7000km x Bombay is an initiative from our sister organization, Sonrisas de Bombay, requesting support to help us succeed in our mission: the peaceful struggle against poverty in Mumbai. Although [...]
Every year we celebrate each special day at our preschool centres along with our children and their parents and this celebration starts with the International Yoga Day on 21st June. In India, the [...]
Today is a very special day for our sister organization in Spain, Sonrisas de Bombay. On April 23rd, Catalonia celebrates the special day of Sant Jordi (Saint George in catalan language) [...]