
International Yoga Day at Mumbai Smiles

 In Events

Every year we celebrate each special day at our preschool centres along with our children and their parents and this celebration starts with the International Yoga Day on 21st June. In India, the month of June marks the beginning of the academic year. Not only parents and children but also teachers are eagerly waiting to meet their new students to share new knowledge and to listen to the new experiences of them.

However, this year has brought us a lot of struggles and difficulties. Though all the kids are confined within the walls of their houses, their enthusiasm was speechless.

Currently all the preschool teachers are conducting online classes through WhatsApp or via telephonic calls, so that the children we attend are not deprived of their basic right to education. Although they were forced to be at home, they were interested in participating in the International Yoga day, so they have sent us some nice pictures by performing some Yoga asanas in their home along with their siblings and family.

Once again with their innocence these big believers keep us going in this unexpected phase.

On the other hand, our sister organization, Sonrisas de Bombay, celebrated the International Yoga day with some events related to the yoga, like online sessions conducted by yoga teachers and experts.

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