The international girl child day: Rubina

On International Girl Child Day, we want to focus on the challenges faced by girls in the communities we work with. These challenges are many and have different faces, but they all have a common [...]

Mumbai Smiles summer visits

Visits to our projects in India Every year, especially during the summer in the northern hemisphere, we receive many visitors, interested in knowing how we work with people from the most [...]

24 February: a year of war in Ukraine

24 February: a year of war in Ukraine It is a particularly sad anniversary: one year has passed since the Russian army’s invasion of Ukraine. A year in which the disastrous consequences of [...]

Visits from thousands of kilometers

We welcomed 2023 with visits from thousands of kilometers These last weeks of 2022 and the first month of the year 2023, we have been very busy with visitors. We are thankful to the visits we [...]

2022 in Mumbai Smiles

2022 in Mumbai Smiles To say goodbye to the year, we want to share with all the people who support us and allow us to progress in our mission, some of the most outstanding achievements, during [...]