
Seeds against Domestic Violence

 In Mumbai Smiles

Seeds against Domestic Violence

At Mumbai Smiles one of the priorities is to create awareness about violence against women; therefore, we continue to sow seeds against violence against women to fight against this social problem and we plan our actions in favor of gender equality. We take them into account in a transversal way. But also, as we have already told you before, we have promoted concrete actions to advance this objective.

For example, during the last weeks we have conducted sessions with our team, with the pre-primary school teachers, their assistants and the beneficiary’s family. Varsha, is our ream member who is leading this project. She has personally conducted telephone conversations or videoconferences with 53 women, pre-primary school teachers and mothers of the students. In these conversations she tried to clarify what violence against women is and what situations are related to this social problem. Unfortunately, this scourge takes very different forms: physical and sexual, psychological or economic pressure and all of these are manifested in different measures in all the communities with which we work.

Therefore, being able to identify it as a victim is the first step to be able to stop it. And also it is important that the women understand their rights and the law against domestic violence, 2015. During these conversations the major topic that was discussed was the violence against women during the lockdown period due to its increasing number.

While conducting the sessions with women, Varsha tries to emphasize on the importance of denouncing these abuses and also explains the situations experienced by trusted people around them. The objective of this is to have support from close people. Unfortunately, sometimes this is not possible and the only way out is to seek the support of the police. Varsha also insists that they can count on her and also shares the helpline for these types of cases.

Varsha has also recorded a video with the information to reach more people.

We will keep working!

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