Marala: 12 crucial hours
Marala’s story is our one more important step because we are talking about a life, but it is also necessary to follow other steps which will help more girls and women to be free.
As you know, ending human trafficking is one of the priorities of our transformative action in the peaceful fight against poverty and in the protection of Human Rights. In pursuit of this objective, we extended our radius of action a few months ago. We have worked for more than 16 years in Mumbai, a city that is home to one of the largest red-light areas in Asia, but in the wake of the numbers of girls and women who have been trafficked to Mumbai for sexual exploitation, we saw the need a few months ago, to also start working in other areas of Asia such as Kolkata, Nepal and Bangladesh to prevent these girls and women belonging to disadvantaged communities in these areas from experiencing this misfortune.
Thus, we are promoting projects with local organizations to offer information on human trafficking and at the same time, resources for opportunities and a decent life. In the same way, we accompany women who have managed to break the chains of human trafficking so that they can live a full life. At the same time, we have created a Rescue Team that focuses on recovering young and adolescent girls and women who have already fallen into the hands of these mafias.
Today we want to tell you about the case of Marala (it is a fiction name to protect her identity). This is a case of success, 12 crucial hours that highlight the need to work in a coordinated manner between organizations and institutions to deal with this scourge of global dimensions.
We are satisfied with the work we have done in this case, since Marala has started on the way back home. There is a lot that needs to be done: we hope that justice will not let this case go unpunished and at the same time, we know that there are hundreds and thousands of Maralas who will not have this luck. For this reason, and with your support, we will continue working and say very loudly #breakwithtrafficking. You too can stand up for the victims and survivors.