Direct message from our beneficiaries makes us stronger
When you work towards achieving your goals with optimism and giving it all you have, blessings and support from your well-wishers and a strong sense of belief in yourself. These are the factors that help you stay focused and brave the odds.
For over four months Mumbai Smiles Foundation has been working tirelessly towards reducing the repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic, providing street dwellers and other beneficiaries with food supplies and essential hygiene products.
While receiving blessings and gratitude through our donors and followers on social media we receive some direct messages from our beneficiaries which play a pivotal role in boosting our confidence and helping us stay focussed.
Savita is one of our beneficiaries from the preschool project whose son is studying in our preschool situated in the Ghatkopar area. Savita sent us a ‘direct message’ through the video to express her gratitude towards us and thank us for all the support and support extended by our team during this pandemic.
There are other preschool parents who also expressed their feelings for our support from Aarey Colony, Prajapurpada areas which are tribal zones in the centre of Mumbai city. These families are receiving food supplies, sanitizers and virtual educational support over the last four months amidst covid-19 lockdown.