New Message by Jaume Sanllorente from Mumbai, June 2021
India has registered 30,663,665 infections and 4, 04, 211 due to the coronavirus since the pandemic has begun. The first wave with the imposition of strict lockdown led to a situation of helplessness and famine amongst the poorest communities of the country, where we work. The second wave, with more strident direct effects of the disease, put the Indian health system in check and has caused hundreds and thousands of infections a day and exceeded to 4,000 deaths per day during the peak of the wave.
Although, in recent weeks both the numbers of deaths and infections have reduced, the Delta variant continues to impact with great force and it is essential to continue working to alleviate the effects of COVID-19 and to prepare for the consequences of a very possible third wave, and thus avoid the gravity of an increase in cases, as unexpected as the previous one.
Considering this situation, at #MumbaiSmiles we are focusing our efforts on obtaining necessary materials for hospitals and quarantine centers, and above all, in informing the poorest and most excluded communities about the disease, its symptoms, how to avoid it and the resources at their disposal to treat it. Therefore, daily door-to-door visits, testing and promotion of vaccination are our priorities.
On these issues and the roadmap for the coming weeks, Jaume Sanllorente, Founder and the General Director of Mumbai Smiles, informs us in this video, from the Indian city where we have been working for more than sixteen years. Our goal is to peacefully fight against the most dangerous variant of this pandemic: poverty, which will leave people with fewer resources more unprotected and in a situation of maximum vulnerability.
You can also collaborate and contribute to our actions to alleviate the effects of this pandemic and save lives. Donate now