In our earlier blog we have shared about our new entrepreneur Ms Prabhavati Bhagat. Now we introduce you to our second entrepreneur Ms Asha Tribhuwan Gupta. Asha, a 7th standard drop [...]
An individual’s personality plays a very vital role when it comes to his or her performance on work front as well as in personal life. Personality development helps an individual to gain [...]
On Friday, 16th March 2013, it was more than just a relief for us at Mumbai Smiles and moreover to Vighnesh’s parents to hear Dr. M. B. Agrawal a renowned Bone Marrow Transplant Specialist at [...]
Thanks a lot to let us know your projects and the work that you are doing of providing equal opportunities in Bombay. It is wonderful. Maria Never stop your work! I am with you. All the best! [...]
We are at the end of the academic year and our balwadi team is busy with lot of activities. Apart from the annual evaluation of the performance of the balwadi children which is carried out [...]
We are deeply hurt and sad on the demise of Sr. Isabel Martin, the founder ofCreative Handicraft. She passed away on Sunday after long illness. As many of you might know, Mumbai Smiles is [...]
The final evaluation of all the children in 25 balwadis was carried out last week for the academic year 2013. As you know, our balwadi project caters to 700 odd children between the age group of [...]
“A smile in the sky” I write this in your poems of love, and it’s a smile that is the biggest gift for me, that I like to receive. For this reason, today I am receiving these gifts. Thanks a lot [...]
In the month of February cheques were given out to cover the transport, diagnostic and medication cost of 6 beneficiaries of Hope project. As you know, Hope project gives support (social, [...]