Sad news..
We are deeply hurt and sad on the demise of Sr. Isabel Martin, the founder ofCreative Handicraft. She passed away on Sunday after long illness. As many of you might know, Mumbai Smiles is associated with Creative Handicrafts since past few years by promoting the handicraft products made by women living in slum areas.
Her desire and passion to give livelihood to the women started from a small workshop in a slum run by three women. Over the years, thanks to the vision and commitment of Sr. Isabel, hundreds of women were benefitted through different kinds of workshops like handicrafts, jewellery making, beauty products etc..The products made by these underprivileged women are not only sold in India but also in countries like Spain, France, Italy etc..
Her demise is a great loss to social development sector, to non profits like ours. She has been a source of inspiration, a ray of hope to hundreds of women living in slum areas.
Our thoughts and condolences are with the entire Creative Handicraft family.