New donations from friends and family

We feel lucky to have friends and families who are always supportive through thick and thin. Since the outbreak of covid-19 in March, our friends are supporting our beneficiaries by understanding [...]

7000km x Bombay: Workout for a Cause

7000km x Bombay is an initiative from our sister organization, Sonrisas de Bombay, requesting support to help us succeed in our mission: the peaceful struggle against poverty in Mumbai. Although [...]

Celebrating the Guru Purnima day

Guru is the one who imparts knowledge to their students without any expectations. We worship our GURU/ mentor on the full moon day of this month in India every year to show our gratitude towards [...]

Covid-19 Emergency Aid Resumes

On 1st July, everyone was awaiting the announcement of the second unlock phase hoping to have further relief in the restrictions. People were hoping that an unlock would lift some of the [...]

Warriors of Mumbai Smiles

They say, “A warrior never worries about his fear.” and this is true about the team at Mumbai Smiles Foundation. We are always thankful for our donors and friends who help us by different kinds [...]

Will “Unlock” solve the problem?

Covid 19, better known as a “disease of the rich” has now affected the global economy and mostly the people in developing countries who live hand-to-mouth. Even Mumbai, a city of dreams for many, [...]