The free hands of Rizwan
The hands that you see in this photo is of Rizwan.
He is one of the first people we are accompanying through our action against trafficking, which we have also promoted in Spain since this year. Rizwan cannot show his face, like many of the victims and survivors of this form of slavery. Even so, Rizwan, a fictitious name to protect his integrity, wanted to tell his story to denounce a terrible situation, which millions of people around the world live like him.
Rizwan left Pakistan after paying 10,000 euros. He managed to reach Spain after 8 months of travel in the hands of his traffickers. His final destination was a supermarket in Barcelona, where he lived in exploitative conditions. He worked 365 days a year, without any rest and sleeping inside the establishment on a mattress on the floor, where he also ate. At night they would lock him inside the supermarket and tell him that it was for his own good, because since he did not have papers, he would be safer there, because if a policeman saw him on the street they would stop him and deport him to Pakistan for being an immigrant in Pakistan. irregular situation.
The complaint that changed his luck.
After an anonymous complaint, the police came to do an inspection and discovered the situation of slavery in which our man found himself. The Mossos d’Esquadra body contacted Apip-Acam (an entity specializing in trafficking in Barcelona, with which we work). And from Apip-Acam they contacted Mumbai Smiles, due to our specialization in combating human trafficking in South Asia. In this specific case we are taking care of their socio-labour insertion, while Apip Acam takes care of their administrative situation.
In recent months, Rizwan, who from the outset has shown great willingness to function independently, has taken language and digital literacy classes. For people who have experienced brutal episodes like this, if their physical and mental health allow it, as is the case, it is vitally important to occupy their time with activities that have a positive impact on them, and learning the language is essential.
After a few weeks, she also started cooking training at the Fundación Mescladís,, in its “Cooking opportunities” program, a proposal for training and accompaniment to the labor market for people with special difficulties in accessing a job. Once again, her attitude is super positive, as well as the evolution of her learning. She is currently finishing the course, and doing internships in a restaurant. When she finishes, she will get her title and thanks to the agreements and networks with catering companies that the Mescladís Foundation works with, she has a high probability of finding her first job in Barcelona.
A month ago Rizwan spent his stay in accommodation managed and covered by the Generalitat and now lives in a shared apartment with other people, he is very happy and excited. With his residence and work permit, with the vision of a contract and his autonomous home, Rizwan trusts that he will be able to save money and bring his family, he just wants the opportunities for himself, his wife and children that he never had in his country of origin.
So thanks to all the people who have donated to our #breakwithtrafficking campaign because thanks to her Rizwan has recovered his life. And we hope to accompany more people who can do it.