This is a call to your cooperation!
First of all, we want to THANK your support since the beginning of this coronavirus crisis. Thanks to you we have already reached almost 15.000 people, supplying them with emergency kits, water, food and basic hygiene products. We also have delivered more than 151.000 meals among the most vulnerable communities in Mumbai. And we are also converting our preschools into temporary shelters for homeless people. All this has been possible with your support!
Today we want to share with you a very good news: we have been selected to participate in GlobalGiving Foundation’s Accelerator, an extraordinary opportunity to become members of this international fundraising platform. We are really happy with that, but we need your help!
In order to become permanent members of this platform we need to fundraise 5,000 US$, which will enable us to give support for 3,600 children living in the streets, and their families. We need to fundraise 5,000 US$ among 40 donors or more, before next June 26th.
That’s why this is a call to your cooperation. Please help us by donating through Global Giving. You can also help us by disseminating this project among your connections in order to get to more people and have more chances to achieve the goal: fundraise 5,000 US$ for the children living in the streets of Mumbai.
You can forward this post to your contacts, download a sample letter to send personally to your contacts, or just visit the project website.
It’s so easy to help us becoming members of such an important fundraising platform, and so easy to help more than 40,000 children living in the streets in Mumbai during this emergency situation. We count on you.
Together we will make it!