Jaume’s surprise visit to schools
Our Founder and General Director, Jaume Sanllorente, has been caught up with other members of the management and Board of Director, to modify, approve, cross check and work on the action plans and annual budgets for the next financial year 2018-19 for the past couple of months now. In the middle of all the planning and numbers, Jaume decided to visit some of our projects!
He started with one of our partner schools, St. Rocks School, with which we partner for Higher Education and Girl Child Education projects, by way of providing scholarships and capacity building sessions for our student beneficiaries. There, he first met with the principal to check the overall performances of the students, and understand in case we could support them in another way. Post meeting with the principal, Jaume also interacted with the students about their course work, extracurricular activities, etc.
And then Jaume went to meet the tiny tots of few of our preschool education centres. It was amazing to see our General Director become a child with these children, as he attended sessions of poetry recitation and story-telling with them, he then also enjoyed a healthy snack session (it was banana day!) while the kids jumped up and down and around him, playing with him as they get very excited every time there is a guest to meet them! Take a look:
Following the lunch break, Jaume also took a look at the attendance and health growth chars of each child as well at each of the preschool centre he visited.
These surprise visits are very important as they help maintain transparency at all levels, as also gauge the success of the activities by direct interaction with the beneficiaries. And this one in particular, was a fun surprise visit!