Winds of Freedom is an initiative with which Mumbai Smiles seeks to provide a decent livelihood for women survivors of human trafficking, or women who, due to their serious situation of vulnerability, are at risk of being trafficked.
For this reason, we not only work with women who have been sexually exploited, but with rural women in India, Nepal and Bangladesh, the main origin of those, who are subsequently sexually exploited in the red zones of Mumbai.
Providing economic support and future opportunities to these women through decent work is the best way to prevent human trafficking in any of its forms (sexual exploitation, forced labor, organ harvesting, etc.).
From the Winds of Freedom project we also bet on materials and practices that respect the environment and adhere to the ten international principles that govern fair trade:
1. Opportunities for disadvantaged producers.
2. Transparency and responsibility.
3. Fair Business Practices.
4. Fair payment.
5. No to child labor, no to forced labor.
6. No to discrimination, promotion of gender equality, freedom of association.
7. Good working conditions.
8. Capacity development.
9. Promotion of fair trade.
10. Respect for the environment.
This project is helping women who are survivors of human trafficking or women who, due to the structural poverty and lack of opportunities, are especially vulnerable to being trafficked, can have a decent life for themselves and their children.