Health on Wheels
This project carries out medical day-sessions to carry out health check-ups for individuals and families.
COVID-19 Community support
Under this project, a series of actions are being carried out with the common objective of supporting communities in different areas, currently with a special emphasis on tackling the difficulties generated by the pandemic.
Ayush Home Shelter
This project provides shelter and basic care to 30 homeless elderly persons in the city of Pondicherry, who are forced to subsist on the streets due to lack of resources and alternatives.
Shine Children’s Home
Since 2017, the Shine Children’s Home has been welcoming children from rural areas near Pondicherry while they undergo cancer treatment at the JIPMER hospital (Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research).

Este proyecto tiene como objetivo que los niños y niñas de familias sin hogar que viven en las calles de Bombay conozcan y ejerzan sus derechos, especialmente el derecho a la identidad. De esta forma podrán acceder a una vida digna, libre de pobreza y de injusticias.
NOTE: All data is a forecast for the current year.