56 sessions for raising awareness

56 sessions for raising awareness

2.450 people receive anti-trafficking awareness messages

2.450 people receive anti-trafficking awareness messages

Prevention in rural areas

This project conducts sessions for raising awareness in rural areas in India, Nepal and Bangladesh to prevent especially girls and women from falling into trafficking networks.

12 partner school

12 partner school

273 children

273 children

Preschool education

This project offers preschool education as well as adequate nutrition and health to children of Victims of Human Trafficking who belong to the age group of 1-6 years.

65 students supported with scholarships and school kits

65 students supported with scholarships and school kits

2 partner schools

2 partner schools

Access to School

This project provides scholarships and extra-curricular activities to children aged 6-14 years, sons and daughters at risk to become victims of human trafficking in the slums of Mumbai.

165 street children and their families receive health care, nutrition and informal education

165 street children and their families receive health care, nutrition and informal education

25 street children and their families receive support to exercise their right to identity

25 street children and their families receive support to exercise their right to identity

Smiling Bus

This project brings basic educational services to children from homeless families and at risk to become victims of human trafficking by means of a mobile unit that travels through areas of the city where they stay overnight or survive.

45 mujeres atendidas en el centro de atención psicológica

45 mujeres atendidas en el centro de atención psicológica

200 participantes en actividades de terapia artística

200 participantes en actividades de terapia artística

1 centro de atención psicológica en Kamathipura

1 centro de atención psicológica en Kamathipura

Salud mental

Este proyecto ofrece apoyo psicológico y sesiones de terapia artística a las víctimas de tráfico humano que son explotadas sexualmente, así como a sus hijos e hijas.

30 rescues planned for this year

30 rescues planned for this year

183 survivors returned with their families to their place of origin*

183 survivors returned with their families to their place of origin*


Mumbai Smiles aims for this project to rescue survivors of human trafficking in order to repatriate them to their places of origin, if they wish to do so.

*during 2019-20

6 women hosted with their basic needs covered

6 women hosted with their basic needs covered

Udaan Project

Udaan is a shelter where women survivors of trafficking live. From this space we are able to cover their needs for accommodation, food, health, education, leisure activities and legal aid.

120 mujeres víctimas de tráfico humano se informan sobre cómo ejercer sus derechos

120 mujeres víctimas de tráfico humano se informan sobre cómo ejercer sus derechos

20 casos de violación de derechos reciben apoyo legal para su solución

20 casos de violación de derechos reciben apoyo legal para su solución

6 entidades (2 públicas y 4 privadas) en alianza con Sonrisas de Bombay

6 entidades (2 públicas y 4 privadas) en alianza con Sonrisas de Bombay


Este proyecto tiene como objetivo que las víctimas de tráfico humano conozcan sus derechos y los hagan valer para salir de su situación de explotación. De esta forma lograrán llevar una vida digna y libre por sí mismas.


Prevención y acogida

Este proyecto ofrece un espacio seguro de acogida a mujeres sin hogar recién inmigradas a Bombay, con el fin de mantenerlas fuera del alcance de las mafias de explotación sexual y proporcionarles herramientas con las que puedan acceder a un trabajo y ser económicamente independientes.

NOTE: All data is a forecast for the current year.