In our societies there is a lack of information and awareness about this global problem that does not have limitations of borders. Therefore, our informative actions are aimed at the entire population to create social awareness about this problem. The fight against human trafficking is a global fight, where being aware of it encourages non-participation in the situations where the different exploitations occur in the trafficking world, as well as promoting the complaining against these types of actions. That is why Mumbai Smiles wants to involve the people, who are most of the time invisible but do exist in our lives, in this activity, to warn about the risk factors involved in trafficking and in order to help others who are potential victims or already victims of the exploitation networks.
This awareness is focussed by taking all the citizens into consideration, with special emphasis on institutions and entities where potential victims of trafficking can be identified and, therefore, very valuable prevention can be carried out. Raising awareness among young people is also one of the important objectives. Educating is preventing, so training in schools and institutes will be play the key role in this process. Due to our specialization and presence in the countries of South Asia, raising awareness among the communities which are originated from the Asian countries but now live in Spain, will also be a main objective in the field of prevention.