
We have a complaints channel available to all stakeholders to identify irregular conduct in our organization.
You can access it at this link: Mumbai Smiles complaint channel
You can also download our Complaints Channel Policy in this button.
Fundación Sonrisas de Bombay: Tax Code (CIF) G-65700387; Spanish Ministry of Presidency, Justice, and Relationship with Courts registration number 161.

In 2015, we obtained the seal of «accredited NGO» by the ‘Fundación Lealtad’. This badge certifies that we fully comply with the 9 Principles of Transparency and Good Practices and that we are an entity committed to transparency and good management practices.

Fundación Sonrisas de Bombay is member of laFede.Cat, federation of Catalan organizations working for the global justice.

Sonrisas de Bombay have received distinctive ‘Actius de l’Acord’ from Barcelona council in the recognition of our efforts in the social commitment of the citizen.

Action Protocols

Mumbai Smiles has defined its performance standards that all team members, volunteers and collaborators must accept. These protocols must also be explicitly accepted by external entities with which we establish collaboration agreements.