
Volunteer Appeal

 In Mumbai Smiles

05 march

As many of you might know, Mumbai Smiles is committed to engage volunteers for a wide range of activities right from designing documents, reports to preparing case studies or helping us in our health camps and events. Thanks to these volunteers who are working behind the scenes that Mumbai Smiles has been able to follow its mission and vision.

We would like to engage more and more volunteers for our activities as we are a non profit organization with limited resources and your generous contribution will help improve the lives of less privileged people and inspire many others to volunteer as well.

You can also volunteer for us.

What we need

We need writers, designers, photographers, IT experts, people who can help with documentation and office tasks, workshop trainers, and more. If you have always wanted to volunteer with a non-profit organisation but didn’t know where to start or thought you didn’t have the right skills, here’s your chance. It’s the simple tasks that we need help with.

What is in it for you

We are a fun organisation that is doing some honest and fulfilling work in helping those who are less privileged. If you helped us, you would be helping them. You also have the chance of enriching your life experience by working with a fast-growing organisation that is involved in a variety of projects.

We will be able to provide you a token compensation to cover any basic costs you may incur in providing us your services.

If you think you could contribute in any way, do mail us

You can also refer to our Volunteer Policy document at Volunteer

 To know more about the volunteers and their experience with Mumbai Smiles, you can read Volunteer Spotlight
 On that note, we would also like to inform you that Mumbai Smiles was nominated for the prestigious iVolunteer Awards last month. The voting by the Junta has been closed and the finalists will be announced on 8th March, 2013. We thank all our supporters who follow us, like us and voted for us as well as our volunteer Yasharth Mishra. For more update, keep checking our blogs, facebook and twitter.
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