
We have our own little library now :)

 In Mumbai Smiles

10 DEC 1

Thanks to some amazing donors and their efforts, we now have our very own little library.

Our collection has around 80-odd books for children of all age groups, from toddlers to teenagers, that we are circulating to our various beneficiaries so they can cultivate their reading habit more.

The books were donated to us by staff at the Bank of America Merrill Lynch. our thanks goes out to all of them, especially Anoop Bhatt for his initiation of the whole activity.

This is just what we needed to jumpstart our library and we hope to add more books to our collection so that more of our beneficiaries can get the chance to read more books.

If you would like to donate some books too, mail us at

We are especially looking for books in Hindi and Marathi, so any contributions would really help us out.

10 DEC 2

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