
Monitoring and Evaluation updates

 In Mumbai Smiles

26 FEB I

At Mumbai Smiles, we are concerned with not just planning and implementing meaningful projects but also how those projects are functioning and measuring the results. This is what we call Monitoring and Evaluation.

Monitoring aims to answer questions like: Where are the problems? What progress have we made? How much further do we have to go?

Evaluation answers questions like: Have we delivered on our goals? How well have we done? Where can we make improvements?

For nearly two years now, we have set up mechanisms of monitoring and evaluation with various indicators and parameters to track the progress of each of our projects. This is done for:

Inputs: Money, material and other resources

Activities: What has been done

Processes: How has it been done

Outcomes: The results of the activities

Capacities: Of individuals and the organization

Why carry out monitoring and evaluation?

* To understand project processes

* To measure impact and outcomes

* To fine-tune strategies

* To gain the best value for money

This kind of regular monitoring is critical to our work as it helps us know how effective the projects are and how to make them better.

You can view the progress reports prepared by our Monitoring and Evaluation Department, which display various parameters by which each projects is tracked and based on these numbers we take the necessary steps to improve each project:

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