
Happy New Year from the entire team of Mumbai Smiles

 In Mumbai Smiles

02 jan I

Mumbai Smiles team wishes everybody a very happy and prosperous New Year 2014.We hope the New Year brings lots of prosperity and good health for everyone. New Year is marked as a beginning of a fresh New Year or calendar year. Our resolution this year is to bring further improvement in the areas of education, health and nutrition.
Just as in 2013, so in 2014, we will continue to work towards our vision and mission of making Mumbai free of poverty and social injustice and transforming the social reality of underprivileged communities in Mumbai to guarantee access to basic Human rights and a dignified life respectively.

In the education space, we will focus on our objective of universal access to education and accordingly, our initiatives will be directed at strengthening public education, striving for quality education and supporting private educational initiatives through advocacy campaigns. The seed project is one of the main initiatives taken in this direction. SEED, a skills development program of Mumbai Smiles, aims to equip women and girls from low-income backgrounds with tangible, marketable skills that can help them earn a proper livelihood

In the health and nutrition space, The Balwadi and Hope projects are our flagship projects. Through the Balwadi project, we aim to develop healthy habits among pre school children, bring about educational development, and reduce level of malnutrition among these students. Currently, we have a network of 25 balwadis, which cater to 671 children throughout Mumbai .Through Hope Project, we aim to provide holistic education and pyscho level empowerment to children living with cancer. We have a collaboration with Holy Spirit hospital in this regard.

We thank all our supporters and collaborators for enabling us to empower children and women in the areas of health, nutrition and education in 2013 and hope to receive their support in 2014 as well.

We further hope to be successful in all our endeavors.!!

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