
Visitors’ Comments – Marta & Jorge

 In Mumbai Smiles

As part of the Responsive Action project, we encourage and receive a number of visits throughout the year, from all across the world, right from Spain (which is where our large donor base is), to the USA, Amsterdam, Colombia, Mexico, Canada and other countries. These visitors mostly come to know about us and projects, either through Jaume’s book (our Founder who wrote Sonrisas de Bombay, the story of  Mumbai Smiles), or through their friends or family members who are our supporters, or through social and other forms of media.

Marta and Jorge, decided to visit us on their trip to India. Mumbai was their last stop before they headed back home and before ending their short stint with this city of dreams, they visited us before bidding adios. On their visit, they met and interacted with our team members as well as our citizens at our preschool education centres and Life Skills Empowerment centre. And before leaving they left us this lovely comment as well:

Thank you Marta and Jorge! We are glad you have connected with our work and are glad to receive your love and support!

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