
Educational Visit To Hospital for Adolescent Girls

 In Mumbai Smiles

The Life Skills Empowerment project is an educational project that interacts with adolescent girls and boys of the slum communities in Andheri east and neighbouring areas, and conducts sessions, workshops and exposure visits to various institutes, in order to empower these young adults with the information to handle the different issues of daily lives, by approaching the correct concerned authorities with confidence as well as knowledge.

Last week, an educational visit was conducted for the young girls to Mukund Hospital, which was extremely cooperative in conducting an all inclusive educational visit to their healthcare centre for these adolescents. Beginning with a discussion on how to contact an ambulance with helpline number, the different departments of a hospital, the visit started with the reception. Post understanding the procedures and formalities of the various hospital services and facilities, the adolescents were then introduced to the different departments.

Post the complete visit of all hospital wings and departments, the doctor conducting the visit interacted with these girls in length about the Rights of Patients in hospital as well as about considering medicine as a career option. With lot of questions coming from the girls, the doctor was extremely patient in answering them all in detail with examples to make them understand the answers better.

The response to this activity was very positive, “We are glad to spread awareness through your project about the hospital services and our work because it are very important to make people aware about good healthcare for themselves as well as their families and we are happy to be a part of this good cause.”, said the hospital staff.


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