
Visit to Mumbai Smiles community for foreign guests

 In Mumbai Smiles

Organising visits for our guests and volunteers is one of the best parts of our work here at Mumbai Smiles. We love being able to share our work with the larger community and showing how even the smallest of efforts can yield such great results when working with the underprivileged. Apart from our work, we also enjoy watching our guests interact with the community we serve; the people living in the slums are always so warm and welcoming that our guests end up with a heartwarming and positive memory of their visit. In some ways, the slum community is the biggest ambassador of humanity and human values.

On 12 September 2018, we organised a visit for Raul, a friend of our founder and General Director, Jaume Sanllorente, and Laura, Raul’s wife. Both of them had been looking forward to this visit for a long time. We took them to meet the community around our preschool in Powai. Raul and Laura were surprised to see the community living with such dignity and optimism in spite of their harsh circumstances. The mother of one of our students happily welcomed them with a cup of tea—a sign of traditional Indian hospitality. The guests were very moved by their interaction and also by the ways in which our work is making a difference in the community

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