
mMitra, a new milestone for Mumbai Smiles

 In Mumbai Smiles


Mumbai Smiles has recently launched a new health project, mMitra (Mobile Mitra), in partnership with Armman Foundation. The project is one of its kind and will primarily focus on improving the well-being of pregnant mothers, newborn infants and children in the age group of 1-5 years. The program will strategically cater to slum areas of Andheri(East).  The mMitra project aims at reaching out to young mothers through the mobile medium. The Balwadi teachers and assistants will work as Aroghya Sakhis in the field; they will identify pregnant and lactating mothers and register them. These registration details will be submitted to a call centre of Armman foundation and appropriate messages will be given through phone calls to these mothers for awareness.

It is our belief that the effective implementation of mMitra project will definitely make a positive impact in reducing the prevalence of maternal mortality, neonatal and child mortality and morbidity among the underprivileged communities in our strategic area.

“Charity begins at home” and thus, we conducted the first session of this project on 24th and 25th July for our staff members so that they could be the initial beneficiaries of this project. The session involved the teachers and assistants of the Balwadis. This session was aptly named “Training of Trainers” and was held with the technical assistance from Armman Foundation team. The Balwadi teachers and assistants who attended this session were enlightened and they will now further reach out to people in the slum areas of Andheri.

The entire mMitra project will be led and coordinated by Ms. Smita Gawde, Program Officer, our new team member, who will be joining us from August. Dr. Nirmal will be guiding and monitoring the activities of the project.

mMitra is truly yet another feather in the cap of Mumbai Smiles Foundation.




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