
A story by Suresh Harke of how Mumbai Smiles’ projects impact the society

 In Mumbai Smiles


A child opens his eyes in a world that is massive, fast-paced and judgmental. Only in a mother’s arm does he find the protection of God – the place where he comes from.” A child is the most precious gift that a man and woman can give each other. From the moment he is born, the perspective of their lives revolves around creating a world in which they can nourish him, protect him and ultimately let him fly. But there are few who think beyond the confines of their family and widen their aura of love. Such is the story of our Balwadi Field Coordinator, Suresh Harke, who was blessed with a baby girl last month.

Suresh has been actively involved in various activities held at Mumbai Smiles. He participates in workshops and trainings organized on various topics like child health, breast-feeding, women’s health etc. As Suresh’s wife gave birth to the baby girl, the doctors followed a procedure to feed the new born using cotton as they believed that the baby doesn’t have the skills to suck milk from the mother’s breast. Suresh decided to break this particular myth. He had learned in the various training programs that children are born with an innate instinct to suck. (See this to know more He humbly requested the doctors to not feed his baby using cotton and rather give his wife a chance to attempt breastfeeding. The doctors agreed towards the idea since it involved no risk for the child or the mother. The hospital staff and the doctors were surprised to see how the baby adapted to the mother’s touch and immediately responded to her feeding.  This was set as a milestone for the hospital and the other mothers who delivered around the same time. Suresh’s wife who is also trained in Child health and breast feeding helped the other mothers to know the exact position in which they must hold their babies while feeding, thereby spreading the aura of love.

While breastfeeding is the most natural phenomenon, many hospitals and nursing homes may not be aware of the same and hence may resort to alternate measures of feeding the infants. It is essential to spread awareness on breastfeeding for as part of the Maternal and Child Health program.

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” – Barack Obama

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