
SEED training for bedside attendants continues

 In Mumbai Smiles

24 DEC 1

Our bedside attendant skills training workshop is almost at an end, with several of the trainees now in talks to get placements and opportunities to work.

Over the weeks, the women have learnt various aspects of this, including:

1) Cleanliness precautions

2) Biomedical waste management, infection control

3) Patient history-taking and general examination

4) Medical & surgical precautions

5) Types of diets – full diet/ soft diet/ liquid diet/ salt-free diet/ fat-free diet/ non-spicy diet

6) Procedure and precautions – blood test, X Ray, sputum, urine stool

7) First Aid procedures – Drowning, hanging, shock and its types, fractures, burns and scalds

And many more…

You can see the full syllabus here.

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