
Report Cards distributed to Preschool kids

 In Awareness, Events, Health, Mumbai Smiles, Preschool

The last day of the Preschool Education project in the financial year 2017-18 was dedicated to distribution of the performance or the report cards to all the 854 children of our 29 preschool centres. Throughout the year, these kids learn a lot of new things under their syllabi, including alphabets, names of animals/birds/fruits etc, stories, poems, numbers, mind games and many other elements of pre primary education that helps a child’s grow physically as well as mentally.

An all parents meeting was called for on this event day, so they could witness their child’s first report card distribution!!

At this event, it was also discussed with the parents that during the summer vacations now, the children must continue to receive their daily 11am nutrition at home, the way they have been receiving it at the preschool and for this, the weekly diet chart was shard with them. While we understand that parents cannot follow the diet chart due to multiple constraints (they have financial restraints as well as they work all day to earn two meals a day for their family, sometimes the nutrition material isn’t available in the area where they live, etc.), but the preschool explained to them the importance of continuing this routine meal timings, in order to maintain good health of their child and to avoid malnutrition.


Also, a couple of weeks before this event, the preschool team had clicked group photos of each of the centre. And on this day of report card distribution, each child was given a copy of their class photograph as well and this was very exciting for the parents and students alike! “I am so excited to see my child’s first report card! Throughout the year, my child learnt new things at the preschool centre, including manners and good habits as well and today I see his performance report and I am very happy about it. The group photograph is also a very nice memento for us”, says Renu Dube, a parent of one of the students of Preschool Centre No.3 and we are so glad to hear this super positive response from Renu and other parents alike, who have mentioned how their child has developed a liking towards the school and are looking forward to studying more. We are super happy to hear that!!

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