
J2J conducts training session on Child Rights

 In Awareness, Jump2Justice, Mumbai Smiles, Preschool

The Jump2Justice (J2J) team has been conducting awareness sessions for the various project teams and all our beneficiaries in our various project areas. These awareness sessions have been on different components of Human Rights, such as Child Rights, Women Rights and others. These awareness sessions were important to understand the concepts for empowering the individuals with the knowledge to safeguard their own interests and ensure justice at times of discrimination and injustice.

Recently, the J2J team organised a training session for our preschool teachers and assistants in which they were trained to use the materials to spread awareness among the different communities about Human Rights and its different components as also notice in the classrooms in case they can spot any incident or case of any violation of Human Rights (Child Rights specifically in these cases). The training included distribution of important tools such as posters and pamphlets that they can put up in community centres as well as distribute it to people while explaining to them the contents of it along with explaining to them the benefits of this knowledge. The training also included presentation skills in order to be able to give information in an effective manner, which is by way of examples and visual stimulation.

The teachers and assistants participated in the training sessions (6 area-wise sessions) with much enthusiasm and with practical demonstrations, they enjoyed the training very much. “It was a very good learning experience and now we can give information to others about Human Rights and especially Child Rights, with confidence and concrete knowledge,” said the teachers at the end of the sessions. And we hope that as many communities benefit with these information as possible!

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