
Educating the girl – need of the hour

 In Awareness


In India there are various factors influencing the literacy/illiteracy rates. From immortality rate to gender inequality, all play a vital role in determining the country’s literacy rates. The literacy rate in turn influences the employment rate and the GNP (Gross National Product). Primary education, though increasing over the years, has improved. According to the EFA report of 2014, as of 2005-2011 the youth literacy rate (81%) in India is higher than the adult literacy rate (63%). The increase in youth literacy rate from 62% (1985-1994) to 81% (2005-2011) just makes it hopeful for the EFA to achieve its target of 90% literacy among the youth by 2015. However, the gender disparity in India is proving to be a hindrance in achieving the overall goal of 100% literacy.  According to 2011 census the overall male literacy in India was 80.89%, whereas women literacy rate was just 64.64%.

Female education is the need of the hour. Without educating the women of the country we can’t hope for a developed nation. Women play a vital role in the all round progress of a country. They are the real builders of happy homes. It is a fact that women are the first teachers of their children. Hence, if mothers are well-educated, they can play an important role in shaping and moulding their sons and daughters. Their education should be such as may enable them to discharge their duties in a proper way. From education they become fully matured in all the fields of life. Educated women are well aware of their duties and rights. They can contribute to the development of the country in the same way as men do.

We at Mumbai Smiles, through our Girl Child Education and Life Skills Empowerment project look forward to achieve the same. The Life Skills empowerment program at Mumbai Smiles caters to the adolescent girls in the age group of 12 to 19 yrs. The beneficiaries under this program are provided information on Life skills, health, nutrition, education and many more such subjects, which would benefit them in the long run. Similarly, the Girl Child Education project supports the girl child to continue their education. Though at initial stages, we hope to scale up these projects make the requisite impact in the society

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