
Come and visit us

 In Mumbai Smiles

23 JAN 1

At Mumbai Smiles, part of our work is about creating awareness. It’s something we take very seriously, as we believe that developmental work will be more effective only if a larger audience is sensitised to the needs and circumstances of the underprivileged. Greater change will happen only if more people are made aware of what is happening around them.

A concerted effort we make in this direction is by organising visits to our projects so outsiders can get an idea of the work we do and also understand issues of poverty and marginalisation.

These visits, that we’ve named ‘New Glances’ also seek to promote cross-cultural understanding and dispel myths and prejudices on all sides. The visits are voluntary, mutually-beneficial and organised in agreement with the communities and respecting their wishes. And we are very particular to not intrude on people’s lives or interfere with the ongoing work.

Most of us live in a bubble, unaware of the deprivation that a majority of our fellow citizens in Mumbai suffer through. So, we urge you to take that important step, burst that bubble and try to understand how that other half of the world lives.

For more information on organising a visit to our projects, mail us at

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